Reyburn Pianoworks Key Bushing Packages. Deluxe or Basic.

Reyburn Pianoworks Key Bushing Packages. Deluxe or Basic.
This package is what you need to get started re-bushing piano keys quickly and accurately with quality imported made, pre-glued bushing cloth. There are two versions of the package, Basic and Deluxe. Included in the packages:
Custom modified Weller digital temperature controlled soldering station.
Set of 4 (Basic) or 9 (Deluxe) custom made brass bushing cauls for the Weller soldering iron. Deluxe includes nine sizes; 0.088”, 0.129”, 0.134”, 0.136”, 0.139”, 0.143”, 0.147”, 0.150”, 0.162”. Basic includes four sizes; 0.134”, 0.136”, 0.150”, 0.162”.
10 meter (Basic) or 20 (Deluxe) meter roll of pre-glued bushing cloth. About 4.5 meters per piano.
Removal kit for pulling out old bushings.
Extra soldering pen shaft, makes changing heated caul sizes quick and easy.
Allen wrench for changing cauls.
Razor knife with five extra blades for trimming sides of bushings (front rail).
Deluxe only: Special chisel blade to trim balance rail bushing tops flush with key buttons (Steinway style).
Deluxe only: Bushmaster or other brand felt cutter for cutting cloth in the mortise accurately.
Deluxe only: Damper Guide rail easing tool.
Deluxe only: Convenient padded hard shell carry case
Printed Instructions.
Professional support and advice from experts.
Tools NOT included which you will also need to purchase (or you may already have!):
Both packages need a complete set of 88 double-shoulder cauls, various sizes as required. These can be made of Delrin, plastic (Erwin Pianoforte) or brass or aluminum (Schaff) . You’ll need one set for each size of key pin you’ll be bushing.
Basic Package needs: Bushmaster tool from Pianotek/Schaff. Essential tool for this method (included in Deluxe).
Other suggested tools not included: A pair of key clamps for transporting keys (26 keys in each clamp) are also recommended. Available from Reyburn Pianoworks.
The Weller WE1010NA Solder Station requires 110-120 volts AC. To run this unit in regions which have 240volts, choose the package with a 240v adapter. (Shown in last picture).