Reyburn Pianoworks builds several types of stacks, Renner, Steinway, WNG and custom stacks. We can renew and redesign your grand piano action either by replacing the rails as needed, or with a complete new stack. Doing this work at the same time as a new keyset results in the best possible match between the keyset and stack, making regulation a breeze for the technician.
Soldering new brass rails in a Steinway stackl. We precision custom duplicate the rails on our shop’s CNC machine. With our custom holding jig we’re able to duplicate (or correct) spread, height, and position within 0.5 mm or better.
Steinway stack before and after replacing rails, regulating buttons, micro-glass bead blasting, and finishing. Steinway brass rail stacks are restored to like-new or better in the RPW shop by skilled craftsmen .
Our stack builds (and keyset builds) are based on the most accurate digital scale stick possible. We take at least two, sometimes three scans of the stack using our custom probe. The results are directly saved to our CAD (Computer Aided Design) program. We carefully “sanitize” the data in CAD to make sure the flange positions are as consistent as possible and practical. Then the new rails are drilled in our shop by CNC machine, then chamfered and pre-threaded for the screw type/size the customer specifies.