About Reyburn Pianoworks, INC.
The Reyburn family has been active in the piano tuning, repair and rebuilding trades for over 45 years. Our skills include two generations of RPT’s, three avid & skilled woodworkers, and engineers covering software, materials, mechanical, computer, network, and electrical engineering skills, not to mention one expert machinist. We are also a family of musicians, everyone having taken years of piano, and play various instruments including (but not limited to) clarinet, pedal harp, harmonica, piano, saxophone, ukulele, viola, and violin.
We are constantly engaged in the piano's centuries-old technical culture at the highest level and work hard to preserve and enhance it by utilizing a blend of old-world craftsmanship and today's most cutting-edge technology and materials.
Dean Reyburn, RPT, is a Steinway factory trained, experienced and master piano technician. Dean is not only an RPT (Registered Piano Technicina) member of the Piano Technicians Guild, he is certified to give both the tuning and tecnical exams (CTE and TEC). Dean spent many years working as a concert level tuner-technician for the largest venues in West Michigan. In addition to piano tuning, regulation and rebuilding, Reyburn Pianoworks’ keyboard building tradition is trusted by many of the world’s most highly regarded musical institutions, concert venues, recording studios and piano rebuilders for expertise in the design and fabrication of custom piano actions for their most prized vintage instruments.
Dean Reyburn, RPT spent decades as the Steinway and Yamaha Concert & Artist piano technician for West Michigan. Dean was also concert tuner-technician for DeVos Hall and the Grand Rapids Symphony in West Michigan for many years. An avid woodworker since high school and fine cabinet maker, Dean’s expertise is in keyboard and action geometry, design, and restoring grand piano actions and has 45 plus years experience working on pianos. Dean is a master key maker at, and manages the Reyburn Pianoworks keyboard manufacturing shop. Dean has had Steinway & Sons and Yamaha factory training. He is also lead software engineer for Reyburn CyberTuner. He is a Registered Piano Technician (RPT) with the Piano Technican’s Guild, a Certified Tuning Examiner (CTE), and a Certified Technical Examiner (TEC). Dean makes his home in both Cedar Springs, Michigan (with two or more pianos) and Nokomis Florida with his wife Marty.
Aaron Reyburn served 8 years with the US Marines where he made Sargent and his MOS was LAAD gunner and US embassy security guard. Aaron is an artist, musician and skilled woodworker with many years experience. Aaron works as a master keyboard maker for RPW and has had woodworking training at the prestigious North Bennett Street School (NBSS) in Boston. Aaron is a PTG Associate Member and is working toward RPT status. Along with his father Dean, he is a graduate of the PTG’s Grand Action Regulation 37 Steps, Wessel, Nickel and Gross’ Action Class, The Renner Academy, and is Steinway & Sons factory trained. He is also a highly skilled CAD (computer aided design) and CNC (computer numeric control) expert operator. Aaron lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan with his wife Grace.
David Hughes, RPT is one of the premier piano rebuilders in the USA and is a consultant to RPW. David has extensive experience installing new keysets with a number of makers. For the last 20 years he has been installing a new keyset with each and every rebuild. David has been instrumental in helping improve the quality of our keyset product. His suggestions have helped increase accuracy of a number of specific manufacturing processes such as matching the keyset to the stack, and many other areas. David tunes, repairs pianos in Baltimore, Maryland (he is mostly retired from major rebuilding but still advises RPW).
John Dewey has been rebuilding Steinway action stacks for 4 decades. John is a consultant to RPW on Steinway action stack rebuilding and brass rail replacement. RPW purchased John’s action stack business in August 2020 and has been using his amazing stack rebuild system ever since. John is semi-retired and lives in Illinois.